Things to Know [1]
San Diego to Hawaii:
Cargo should be delivered no later than the Friday before sailing.
Check in hours: Mon-Fri 8-11:30 AM and 1-3:30 PM
Assistance phone: 1-866-393-9831
Drop Off
- Deliver only 'clean' cargo – Transference of any soil or plant matter between California and Hawaii is not allowed. Cargo must be free of:
- Bugs on windshields – grass or seeds in carpets
- Leaves under wipers or stuck in door frames
- Dirt in tire treads or on pedals
- Road dust, leaking engine oil or fuel
- Deliver with certified weight ticket or other proof of weight.
- Deliver with Pasha Hawaii Dock Receipt
- Drivers must wait until check in is complete.
- Do not leave cargo without getting a signed receipt.
- Keys must be available for all locked compartments.
- Alarm systems must be disconnected prior to check-in.
- Gas must be less than 1⁄4 tank (but no less than 1/8).
- Drivers delivering self-propelled machinery must be able to off-load their own trucks.
- Mirrors must be pushed back, antenna should be lowered and stacks removed to reduce unit to smallest measureable size.
All cargo will be inspected by the Department of Homeland Security. All cargo must be accessible and any compartments unlocked.
All cargo is subject to inspection by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) upon arrival at both the origin and destination terminals.
Personal Effects
All personal effects must be removed prior to shipping.
Items that are permanently installed or mounted to the unit or an integral part of the unit are acceptable.
Trailers are to be empty, unless booked with pre-approved items.
The Pasha Group is not responsible for loss or damage to items other than those indicated in the booking.
Pick up in Hawaii
Pick up appointments are not required. Cargo must be picked up within the allowed free time period (daily storage fees will incur on your cargo thereafter)
Please contact the port representative for cargo availability and terminal hours of operation:
Hilo: Lee Guillermo Tel 808) 960-4658
Kahului: Nahe Noa Tel 808) 590-9557
Honolulu: Trevor Kubo Tel 808) 538-2146
If you need crane or forklift service, or a terminal transfer, please make arrangements at least 24 hours in advance with Pasha Hawaii at (808) 523-2440 or (808) 523-2499.
When picking up cargo at the Pasha Hawaii Terminal:
- Bring Arrival Notice
- Picture ID (valid drivers' license)
- The customer or representative must inspect all cargo before it is removed from the terminal. Should any unexpected damage be found; exceptions should be noted on the signed cargo receipt at the terminal during pick up. (claim forms are available from Pasha Hawaii staff) A Pasha Hawaii staff member must sign the claim form to confirm findings. Claim forms can be turned in at the terminal or sent to the local Pasha Hawaii office. Before a claim can be processed, Pasha Hawaii will need to compile the following documentation:
- Completed and signed claim form – provided by the customer
- Two repair estimates – provided by the customer
- Origin signed Dock Receipt – provided by Pasha Hawaii.
- Destination signed cargo receipt provided by Pasha Hawaii.
- Claims will be acknowledged in writing. Pasha Hawaii's limit of liability is $1,000 per unit shipped. Please contact Customer Service for information on additional insurance.